What’s with this whole somatic thing?

The word Somatic derives from the Greek word ‘sōma,’ meaning body. The dictionary describes it as  “the part of an organism excluding reproductive cells, distinct from the soul, mind, or psyche” So, what does that mean? Somatic practices offer a pathway to shift from mental realms into a profound embodiment of our physical presence.  I call my somatic offerings “Find Freedom in your Movement”, as I hope each client finds that during our time together. Similar to my trauma informed work, the goal is to connect individuals to interoception.

I invite you to watch how a flower dances and sways with the breeze, or the way a child expresses pure joy as they spin in circles until their body can no longer hold them up. When was the last time you lived life body led? When did you start worrying about what your movement looked like instead of focusing on how it feels? If you are looking for this body based connection again, reach out. Let’s explore liberation, embodiment, and inner guidance together.